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Our members play bingo with women at the Marysville Reformatory, collect clothing for women who have been or are being trafficked, collect bedding and support Sleep in Heavenly Peace's Hilliard chapter to make sure all children in our community have their own beds. We support the food pantry and give money to folks ravaged by floods, earthquake and violence.


We are in the process of exploring, re-articulating and re-imagining who we are called to be and what we are called to do in this community and in the world. Life is changing so very quickly. We have a new called and installed pastor. We expect new members and participants - their presence will change who we are. In short, we follow a Living God and are led by a Spirit who moves where She will and calls us to heed and to act. We are doing our best to pay attention to all the ways in which God is speaking to us and to respond.

Engaging the Bible

When we read the books of the Bible, we listen for the Word of God as it is found in and through the words on the page - and we listen for the Spirit in the words of others as we share our insights and our questions. We read these complex stories and letters, while also listening to what God is doing in our lives. We read them to find language that will help us draw nearer to God and to understand more about our relationship with the Holy One. We seek the guidance of the Living God so that we can live lives of Justice and Love.


Sundays 9:15 to 9:45

Marysville Women’s Reformatory Ministry - Bingo!

We travel to Marysville to play bingo at the Women's Reformatory. It's a fun time playing bingo and winning small prizes for the women there

Giving to Those Who Need

We collect candy for women at Marysville, money for the Food Pantry, clothing and toiletries for women who have been trafficked. We support the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to respond to events like the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey and the shooting at Michigan State University.

Growing in Our Ability to Love

We do things together to help us "grow spiritually." We believe that when we learn to deepen our experience of God we also become better at loving. We believe that when we learn how to be in healthy, supportive and loving relationships with others we also become more committed and loving children of God.

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